Friday, August 5, 2011

Making Money With Soap Making

Making Money With Soap Making

Soap making is becoming one of the most popular crafts to do. Lye however needs to be used in the making of soap and is a corrosive chemical but disappears when the soap cures, the Lye is used to form a process where fat is turned into soap. At my website under "Making Money With Soap" there's a link to some great safety tips while using Lye.
Soap making can also be a very profitable craft business. Handmade soap bars can also make great inexpensive gifts and are also great to sell.
Most local markets have soap stands and seem to be very popular. There would be no point in buying all of your ingredients and making soap bars to sell at $5 dollars to make a profit when the next door stalls are selling their soap bars for $3. Creating unique soaps could also give you a great advantage. Also moulds are great to double up using them for candle making as well as soap.

You could make very gentle soaps suitable for babies and display a sign with your soap attracting mothers/fathers to buy your special baby soap. If you put your mind to it you could create many specialized soaps. Selling soap online can also be a profitable craft business. However you can't smell nor feel soap via a computer screen! Once I find a lovely soap I'll buy it and be a return customer. Also attaching a business card with your soap wrapped in pretty cellophane etc is a great idea for repeat business.
These are just a few ideas to making money with soap making. For some other great info on soap making please visit my website.


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