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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Simple Get Rich Quick Idea

A Simple Get Rich Quick Idea

In the immortal words of Emmerson, "all I need is one idea" Overnight wealth has a certain stigma that "sensible" people seem to be resistant to. The idea of the get rich quick variety is an object of ridicule and derision in alot of peoples eyes. However, with a little focused action and the right knowledge, rapid wealth is not only possible for you, but inevitable for the determined.

The first thing I want to do is qualify the above by saying "quick" means several years not overnight. Sure, you could write a hit song or contemporary book but these have alot to do with chance. People with determination generally don't like chance because control is a solid aspect of wealth generation.

Anyone can have an idea. By that I mean virtually any idea can become workable unless its just totally "out there" What matters is that you act. But more then that, before you act, you must know how to make it work. Thats really what most people with a good idea lack.

So knowledge again is where the central workability comes from. So let me give you some knowledge right now. The knowledge of the wealthy. There are many ways to get rich very rapidly but I offer you an example below and some insights about what the wealthy know and have known for centuries.

Arbitrage is a concept that you should learn more about. Its a word that circulates in financial circles and is therefore obscured to the average person as just some odd french word that the stock market people use.

The truth is that arbitrage is the single biggest idea about wealth that you should understand. Doing an arbitrage deal is literally this........If I offered you 70 cents for your crisp clean dollar note would you take the deal? What if you had $100,000 and I had $75,000 and I said look, let me deposit this money into your account in exchange for your money? Straight swap. How would you feel about that?

Well I imagine you'd say no. I wouldn't blame you, its hardly a fair deal. Arbitraguers do this all day long. But this is the difference.

We deal in value and perceptions not numerical currency like cash. Or we deal wholesale and sell retail. There are hundreds of ways that I can swap my 70 cents for somebody elses dollar.

The wealthy have practiced arbitrage for as long as currency existed because arbitrage is the secret road to wealth. A secret that will never be openly talked about because it is so tightly held. My little contribution here will do nothing to change that balance, but consider yourself fortunate to learn about this and maybe it will spurr you on to a new life.

Here is a real world example of arbitrage that I practiced many years ago, when I was starting out broke, dejected, but hopeful.

It wasnt long ago but seems like centuries ago. Its pre-history now. One form of arbitrage is the concept of economies of scale. This arbitrage strategy relies on a single fact. An irrefutable reality about fiscal life on the planet earth. Here it is. When you buy something (of anything) in bulk, you are entitled to and more often then not get a very large discount on your purchase. When this bulk amount is "split up" and re-sold in traditional more popular chunks, your investment will return a decent profit.

So here is a get rich quick idea. One you can use right now to establish an income stream to replace your daily job. It can be reproduced and systemized to manufacture a very healthy income indeed.

When you look at newspaper and local journal price lists, you will notice they are very yielding to this concept of economies of scale. Simply a small ad may cost $140 for example. But buy a full page and you only pay say $900. Why? because its less work for the publication. Well my idea was to start a weekly page called "Martins Market" I approached 200 business owners face to face and told them they can get a small ad in my one page spread "Martins Market" for just $90 a full $50 cheaper then if they bought their ad from the paper directly. Do you think this offer interested a good percentage of the business owners I approached? You bet! Not only that, but they got a further discount if they paid up 6 months in advance.

I could fit 40 ads of that size onto my page. Being filled up, I made $3600 every week for an outlay of $900 for the page. I added value with nice graphics and the page got quite well recieved as my clients reported good returns from their ads. This was reproduced 20 times around the country, with 2 sales staff for every "Martins Market" I was netting close to $20,000 per week for a fairly lengthy period.

You will need a few dollars to try this, but its inevitable that if you do your research properly you can make this work and get exactly the same results.

My very best to you
Martin Thomas CEO opportunity investor.com

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Computer Consultant Skills: Can you be your own boss?

Computer Consultant Skills: Can you be your own boss?

Business Owners IT consultant must have the will and skill. The ambition must come from within, but anyone can learn the technical skills, an IT consultant.

A computer consultant, computer consultants, Small Business Consulting Services, Consulting, IT Consulting

When off only what you need to know about the business aspects of being your own boss? Actually, it boils to two simple things. You need some business background and knowledge and motivation you need to become a computer consultant.


You need to truly become a computer consultant, is evil. Think about everything you really achieved in life. Whether high school or a passed test. Perhaps it was always your driver's license, get married, maybe buying your first car or at home, perhaps a father.

Whatever it was the greatest motivation and determination. There will probably always be ups and downs, some tough days and some tough weeks, but in most cases it is worthwhile in the end. There are tools and tips that you can use, but ultimately the drive and desire to come from within.

Step By Step Plan

The second part is on the essential steps that know to do week to week, as through the first few months. You need to know what you get for your office, what we in the car with you, what to do if you have the credit policy, the level of competition, which should be free to make that desirable to know the network that your time with. All these things can be taught.

You need to calculate your costs, you have to check, from organizing, as to what they buy, and probably not as important, what to buy. You need to figure out how to get to work more efficiently, for the time and paid for their time working as a computer consultant paid. The best part is that all these things are very docile.

You can show a computer consultant

If you use different software applications and network operating systems and hardware devices in recent years, Master, you can definitely get your hands around a handful of important business skills you need to find the computer consultant

Business Systems - not just for big business

Business Systems - not just for big business

Most small business owners do not really know what business systems. They think they are expensive, hardware and software. Expert Author Michael Clark to share what they really are and how they are absolutely necessary for successful small business.

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When I talk about business systems for you, what comes to mind? Keep an IBM mainframe sitting in a large room in the center of the building? Do you think expensive, highly specialized software? That is, imagine what many small business owners. And do not keep it for themselves. If you think that is just mean.

The right half, due to expensive and highly specialized programs is probably not for you. Half bad, because the systems are very good business insurance. A business system is not hardware or software. It's the way you are a part of your business. This is how to do things. Systems are equipped with all the time, we can not effectively with them.

Employers regularly ask everything they know about their business out of her head and on paper to bring. I urge you now to do the same with their systems. Start writing things work in your company. At least write how to treat their customers or clients, as their workflows for each sale which can work as production systems, as a market for customers and how their accounts.

Do this in detail. For each area, a very detailed description of each step in the process. Add what you are doing and why it does. Add the subtle parts that make your company unique. Add the parts that are proud. Add the tricks that make it more efficient. Paste what has been tried is not working and why. Each system must become a very rich, very detailed system information. Why are so many details?

Because this is the beginning of being able to provide consistent results. And the principle of being able to provide consistent results, even if they are not there. Documented (handle delegate in writing) to better systems. Delegating is one of the keys to success in growing their business while they still have a life.

Maybe you do not want a bigger company. Maybe you want yours to keep to a minimum. But it would be good to go on a long vacation and the key to turn to someone else to run and money for you while you are away? Without any systems that were not in the least. For systems that is almost everything. Now that sounds like something that should be only for big companies? I think not.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

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exactly recent blog business through paid review it again really slow. The fact that earlier this blog is always a flood of job reviews and most of the companies paid to review, almost routine at least 1 week 3 job there. But now in just 2 weeks of any nangkring 1 job talaga. So moved around for alternative nyari nyari money from other programs. Been moved to the PPC but never hockey and ane emang gak basically the same as hobby programs 'waiting in the click' it.

A few days I looking for alternative for a new paid review finally met the same link from blog.com. Ane's direct belom believe that visits from bloggers, other bloggers belom follow-up too much of this program. Ane nemu until proof of payment linkfromblog.com wooow .... it also pays gede cuy. And finally ane believe too (especially since dapet increasingly convinced duitnya gede deh, wkwkwkwk).

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Business organization design abstracts The 5 W's

Business organization design abstracts The 5 W's

Business organization design abstracts help you structure your answers to the most authoritative business organization designing enquiries: who what, when, where, and why. The answers to these 5 W's moldiness be included in your business organisation design abstract.

Business organization design abstract, Business-plan-outline

Business organization design abstracts is all a different. The one basic draw is that all business organisation design abstracts assist the author resolution the five W calls into question: who, what, when, where, why.

Whenever any of you always brought in fourth estate or as newsmen, what you deficiency to do when you enquire anything is resolution the 5 W's. An business architectural plan outline is a concrete method for enquiring a business organization idea so doing the 5 W's arrives at sense.

Business organization design abstract of the 5 W's

Who are you? Your business concern design abstract should detail your authentications, industriousness feel, and certification. List the business concern credential that you've already received or those that you're planning on coming in the early arranges. This break of the business organization design abstract as well lists the staff you project needing and what their qualifications will be.

What do you plan on sell? In your business plan outline you need to include a discussion of what it is you are selling. Are you selling products, services or both? Once you know what you are selling you then need to discuss the revenue and profit associated with your products and/or services.

This part of the business design abstract also includes your preliminary sales and marketing plan. What will you be doing to gain your clients and how much time and money will you spend doing so?

When did you launch or when do you plan on launching? This information is critical to outside investors and it will also help to keep you on track.

Where are you located? Here you will indicate the types of facilities needed to run your business. Will you work out of your home or rent office space?

How come is your access alone? This is a decisive call into question that your business concern plan outline must address. You need to explain your number one differentiator. Somewhere in your business plan outline you must make space for detailing the proposition that sets you apart from everyone else in the market.

The Bottom Line On Business Plan Outlines

Business organization design abstracts help you structure your resolves to the most authoritative business contriving enquiries. This inquiries can be resumed whilst the 5 W. By replying this inquiries, your business organization design adumbrate will conduct you to break and contingent the accurate "however" of your boilers suit business organization processes.

monotize your Twitter

monotize your Twitter

Revtwt is one site where we can make money with twitter. To get Revtwt income in my way most often used is to update the ads on my twitter account and if there is to click the ads then my balance will increase, but this adsense like on twitter.

In addition you can also add your income Revtwt using Facebook, the way you live your status updates on Facebook through revtwt, if every time there temen on your facebook that clicking on these ads you will get revenue from that click.

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